Click here to see the wording of this Article as it appears on your ballot.
What it Means: Flood studies were done in 2018, funded by voter approval. As a result of those studies, recommendations were made to improve drainage. A subsequent grant in 2020 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation allowed the Town to contract for a design to alleviate the flooding. That engineering design allowed the Town to apply for another grant sponsored by the NH Department of Environmental Services. Our grant bid was successful, and that funding will offset (by $2,000,000) the cost of constructing the proposed closed drainage system. If Article 12 passes, the remaining $800,000 cost will be paid for by a transfer from the Unassigned Fund Balance. Hence, there will be no need to raise new taxes to support this effort. Note that the improved drainage will alleviate (not eliminate) flooding.
Those in favor say: There are likely multiple factors at work with regard to the flooding in this area, but one definite issue is that the storm drains are not functioning. This causes flooding during average rain events. People are unable to get to or from their homes. That water does not subside for weeks in certain circumstances. In cold weather, that water freezes and causes mail to be undeliverable – among other safety issues and resident inconveniences. The proposed solution will not drain Meadow Pond, as some have questioned. It will collect water from storm events and pump it along Meadow Pond to the estuary where it can be naturally dispersed. This is the same path that the water now takes, ending up at the estuary on the south side of Winnacunnet Road. But rather than go through Meadow Pond, it will utilize a previously defunct pumping station to allow the water to be channeled with less damage as it progresses.
Those against say: Those who made negative comments about this Article were expressing frustration with the wording “no tax impact”. It was pointed out that the taxes were collected in prior years, so it really means “no additional tax impact in 2023”.
Fiscal impact: There is no new tax impact, because 71% of the funding will come from the state, and the remaining funds will come from the Unassigned Fund Balance, meaning previously collected tax revenue.