What it Means: The Waste Water Treatment Plant Sludge Handling Study will explore options related to sludge disposal and sludge grind, compressed solids from the waste water treatment process). Financial implications of various disposal and treatment options will be investigated.
Those in favor say: A constellation of factors is affecting how municipalities including Hampton handle biosolids. Biosolids are organic matter that remain after sewage is treated. In Hampton, we add a polymer coagulant to remove the excess liquid/water in order to reduce the cost to haul the biosolids to Rochester, NH. New PFAS regulations, landfills reaching capacity, and the ever-increasing fees for hauling and disposal mean that our current processing may become impractical. We need to start looking into how we handle our biosolids in the future.
Those opposed say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal impact: Cost per $1,000 valuation is $0.025. A household valued at $400,000 would see a tax increase of $10.00 for 2024, a cost that would be reimbursed to the Town.)