Here’s a link to the Article as it will appear on the Ballot:
What it means: Exeter Road would be shimmed and overlaid with asphalt to improve it for several more years while a more extensive repair project is finalized and funded.
Those in favor say: Exeter Rd is a main thoroughfare in and out of town. An analysis by UNH students rated roads in terms of overall use and state of disrepair. Via this process, Exeter Rd was rated as a top priority. Pothole repair is no longer considered prudent because the underlying structure isn’t there, making it a short-lived solution. Those in favor consider this to be a public safety issue as people currently swerve to avoid the large potholes, and noted that car owners are experiencing damage to their cars. If the work in question is later pulled up (as a result of being included in a larger yet-to-be funded project), the asphalt will be ground up and used to form the base of the road.
Those against say: Wait for the more extensive road repair project, whenever that might be. This is a large expenditure for a “hold-over” project.
Fiscal Impact: The average Hampton home valued at $329,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $37.84 if this Article passes.