Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Hampton Zoning Ordinance as follows?
Amend Article I – General. Section 1.6 Definitions to modify and expand the definition of “Impervious Surface” to clarify that a deck is only considered pervious if it is not covered by a roof and is elevated a minimum of 6 feet off the ground, is constructed with planks not greater than 8 inches in width with a minimum ¼ inch space between each plank, and the area underneath remains entirely pervious (with no use as a storage area). Also, to further expand than 8 inches in width with a minimum ¼ inch space between each plank, and the area underneath remains entirely pervious (with no use as a storage area). Also, to further expand said definition to account for decks elevated a minimum of 3 feet off the ground, while providing further restrictions for decks above 160 square feet in size depending on whether they are within or outside of the Aquifer Protection District. Amend Article II – Districts. Sections 2.3.3 Wetlands Conservation District Permitted Uses to clarify that the replacement or repair of an existing deck is subject to the Building Inspector determining that it is elevated a minimum of 6 feet off the ground, is constructed with planks not greater than 8 inches in width with a minimum ¼ inch space between each plank, and the area underneath remains entirely pervious (with no use as a storage area).
What it means: The Planning Department is suggesting clear definitions to help homeowners understand the requirements when a “pervious surface” is called for on a project.j. Specifically, it addresses requirements for a deck to be considered “pervious”.
No one spoke for or against this article at the Deliberative Session, other than to explain it.