Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $434,000 for the purchase of the following replacement vehicles for the Department of Public Works: one (1) three-quarter ton truck with plow; two (2) 35,000 pound gross vehicle weight dump trucks with sand spreaders, plows and wings; and one (1) solid waste yard truck; with the replaced vehicles to be traded in if deemed to be prudent by the Public Works Director, Town Manager, and Board of Selectmen. This shall be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and shall not lapse until these purchases are completed or by March 31, 2018, whichever is sooner? (Majority vote required)
What it means: The referenced equipment would be replaced if the voters approve, and the cost will be offset by trade-in values of current, aging equipment.
The following would be purchased:
- One ¾ ton truck with plow to replace a 2004 Chevy with similar specifications that was removed from the fleet in 2016.
- Two dump trucks with sand spreaders, plows and wings to replace 1996 and 1997 vehicles with similar specifications. The older equipment is rusting and breaking down mechanically. These trucks are considered an integral part of the highway and snow removal operations.
- One solid-waste yard truck used to move the trash and recycling trailers around the DPW yard. This truck will replace an older vehicle (1980) that does not have the hydraulic connection needed to be able to engage the hydraulic pumps in the trailers (a safety issue).
Those in favor say: Other replacement equipment (approved at the 2016 Town Meeting) didn’t arrive until the end of the year – it takes time to order and receive replacement vehicles, so planning ahead is important. The reason for the replacement are age and condition. Our trucks take more abuse than average because of the salt condition, which makes them subject to corrosion more quickly.
Those against say: No one spoke in opposition at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: The average Hampton home valued at $404,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $52.92 if this Article passes. This tax impact will be for 2017 only.