Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 for the maintenance, repair, reconstruction, and replacement of sidewalks, this shall be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and shall not lapse until the project is completed or by March 31, 2018, whichever is sooner. (Majority vote required)
What it means: DPW will use a mix of internal resources and outside contracting to get as much done as possible while controlling costs. The specific projects worked on will be identified by DPW and approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Those in favor say: Funds would be used for maintenance, re-construction, sidewalk repairs and ADA compliance. Projects to be completed are identified in the Sidewalk Management Program.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: The average Hampton home valued at $404,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $3.23 if this Article passes. This appropriation request only affects 2017.