On petition of Mary-Louise Woolsey, and at least 25 registered voters, shall our Town of Hampton voters stipulate that no future sitting Board of Selectmen shall be allowed to create a whole new paid position, unless that Board submits a warrant article describing and justifying said position and the salary needed to support it?
What it means: No new salaried position could be added to the Town’s payroll without first having a Warrant Article justify the position, and having the voters approve it.
Those in favor say: Many people think that this requirement already exists – that a new position must be approved by the voters. Taxpayers should not be required to fund a new position that they have not approved.
Those against say: The language is not specific enough – would any new position need to await the March election to be approved? For example, would an additional lifeguard or camp counselor position need to await Town Meeting?
Other statement: Town Counsel noted that towns only have the authority granted to them by the state via the RSA’s. If approved, this Article would be advisory only (not binding) due to the lack of authority granted.
Fiscal impact: There is no direct tax impact if Article 23 is approved.