What it means: In 2019, voters approved $200,000 for a new Capital Reserve Fund for the replacement of Firefighter’s Protective Gear. This fund needs to be added to regularly, so that as gear is replaced using money withdrawn from the fund, additional funds will be available for future needs. This Article would transfer the funds from the Unassigned Fund Balance to the Turnout Gear Reserve Fund. The value of the fund at the end of 2023 was roughly $141,733.
Those in favor say: This is an annual procedure to keep our Firefighters safe. A single set of firefighting gear costs around $6,000. There are strict standards with regard to the amount of service before the gear must be replaced, and that has meant 4-5 new sets of equipment each year. To pay for this expense, a reserve fund was established and needs to be regularly replenished. This Article allows funds to be taken from the Unassigned Fund Balance for this purpose. One person at Deliberative Session asked why it is not part of the budget. He was advised that in the event the proposed operating budget fails, the additional put-aside for firefighting gear could not take place. That’s why it is offered to the voters as a separate item to approve.
No one spoke against this Article at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal impact: There is no new tax impact in 2024. This Article is allowing the transfer of funds from the Unassigned Fund Balance to the previously-established Firefighter Turnout Gear Reserve Fund.