Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $115,350 for the purpose of purchasing the following items of equipment for the Recreation and Parks Department: 1) a one- ton dump truck for the Recreation Department to replace its current 1999 one-ton dump truck, which shall be traded in as part of the purchase if deemed to be prudent by the Recreation and Parks Department Director, Town Manager, and Board of Selectmen; 2) new playground equipment to replace obsolete playground equipment at 5 Corners Park; all as determined by the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager and the Director of Recreation and Parks Department, and 3) to authorize the withdrawal of $115,350 from the Recreation Infrastructure Special Revenue Fund established for the purpose under Article 44 of the 2007 Annual Town Meeting? (Majority vote required.)
What it means: Every year, the needs of the Parks and Recreation Department are identified, and the voters need to approve withdrawal of the requested dollars from an established fund. That is the purpose of this Article.
Those in favor say: The 1999 dump truck is used daily 9-10 months of the year. It is corroding and has maintenance issues. The average lifespan of playground equipment is 14 years. The set at 5 corners has been in use for over 20 years. Due to the special revenue fund, there is no tax impact.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: No tax impact.