Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $45,364 to bring the Fire Prevention Secretary position to a 40-hour per week full-time status. This shall be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and shall not lapse until the hiring is complete or by March 31, 2017, whichever is sooner? (Majority vote required.)
Note: Warrant article figure presented is for 39 weeks from April 1 to December 31, 2016, the amount cost thereafter is $60,486.
What it means: The Fire Prevention Secretary is responsible for working with developers and individuals who require fire permits; reviewing and registering plans; taking calls from the public; handling state and local reporting, etc. The position is currently part time, which means that the job is handled by Fire Officers when the part-timer is not on duty. As development has picked up in town, the Department is requesting that the secretarial position become full time to cover these responsibilities during the full business day.
Those in favor say: The level of activity in the Fire Prevention Office has increased with the improving economy and the increase in new building permits. Contractors need someone to go to and event planners need help understanding requirements. The amount of billing going on is unprecedented. Using Fire Officers to handle these duties when the Secretary is not on duty is not a good use of higher paid staff. There was a full time secretary at one time. It helped everyone in the community, and the operation was much smoother.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: The average Hampton home valued at $329,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $5.26 if this Article passes. This appropriation request impacts future years as well, since the increased hours are expected to continue as long as the workload persists.