Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $85,000 for the purpose of interior building improvements at the DPW main offices. Improvements include the installation of an air filtration system within the main office to filter fumes and other airborne particles from entering the existing office space. It also includes the renovation of the existing kitchen/bathroom/meeting area to provide separation of the existing spaces to be able to facilitate meetings at the DPW office, to provide a location to have breaks and meals that doesn’t double as a meeting space and bathroom entrance, and to update the bathroom for unisex use. Said sum of $85,000 to come from the Unassigned Fund Balance. This shall be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and shall not lapse until the purpose is completed or by March 31, 2023, whichever is sooner. (Majority vote required)
What it means: DPW Main Offices are located in a small, old building in the same vicinity as the public works operations. Fumes and other airborne particles infiltrate the working space. The referenced upgrades are needed to make the space safer and more hygienic for personnel who work in that building. The funds will come from the Unassigned Fund Balance.
Those in favor say: We owe it to our Town employees to provide appropriate work environment.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal impact: There is no tax impact because the money was appropriated in prior tax years. This Article is allowing the withdrawal of the money from the fund for the specified purpose.