Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 for the purpose of replacing the exterior doors on the Town Office Building. The doors would be replaced by sliding doors to prevent wind damage that is a continuing problem. Repairs to the doors, mostly from wind damage, has expended the sum of $11,153 since 2009 and expenses are continuing?
What it means: The entry doors to Town Hall would be replaced by sliding doors.
Those in favor say: In the long-run, this will save the taxpayers money as the current doors have been costly to repair due to wind damage. It is also a safety issue.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: The average Hampton home valued at $408,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $2.04 if this Article passes. The tax impact is for this year only. The cost per thousand of property valuation is .005.