Here’s a link to the Article as it will appear on the Ballot:
What it means: Hampton currently participates in a regional group that cooperates with regard to the disposition of trash from the area. By withdrawing from the district, Hampton would be responsible for it’s own trash logistics.
Those in favor say: Several towns have already withdrawn from the coalition, and other towns are considering doing so. Those that remain (other than Hampton) are smaller towns, several of which do not have Transfer Stations or other basic facilities. As they seek to build these facilities, the district is required to help defray the costs. Hampton represents 50% of the current District, and would be required to pick up a fairly large percentage of these “other town” costs. If we withdraw, we would need to establish our own logistics, but the Town Manager (who spoke at Deliberative Session) does not see this as problematic.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: No tax impact.