Shall the Town of Hampton vote to adopt the provisions of the All Service Veterans’ Tax Credit contained in RSA 72:28-b in accordance with the provisions of RSA 72:27-a that provides for a $500 annual tax credit that is the same amount as the optional veterans tax credit under RSA 72:28 that has already been adopted by the Town. A person shall qualify for the all veterans’ tax credit if the person is a resident of this state who served not less than 90-days on active service in the armed forces of the United States and was honorably discharged, or an officer honorably separated from service, or the spouse or surviving spouse of said resident, provided that Title 10 training for active duty by a member of a national guard or reserve shall be included as service under this paragraph; provided however that the person is not eligible for and is not receiving a credit under RSA 72:28 or RSA 72:35?
What it means: Currently, a qualifying veteran (or surviving spouse) can claim a $500 credit against property taxes by way of service in specific wars or armed conflicts. RSA 72:28-b, which would be adopted in Hampton if Article 35 passes, provides that credit to all veterans with at least 90 days service time and an honorable discharge, regardless of whether they were engaged in armed conflict.
Those in favor say: All who spoke at Deliberative Session were in favor of this Article, stating that it is another way to support our veterans.
Those against say: No one spoke against Article 35 at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: The property tax base will be slightly reduced to the degree that Veterans take advantage of the tax credit (which must be applied for). However, there will be no direct impact to taxpayers if this Article passes