On the Petition of Amy Hansen and at least twenty-five other registered voters of the Town of Hampton, shall the Town of Hampton raise and appropriate the amount of $35,000 to help defray the cost of carrying out repairs and maintenance to the Town Clock. Such funds raised by this article to be used a long with privately raised funds that are currently in the Town’s possession to complete the work of constructing a tower to house the clock and for the clock’s repair and installation in that structure. This shall be a non-lapsing account per 32:7, VI and will not lapse until the earlier of: i) all funds raised by this Article being expended for the construction, repair or maintenance of the tower and clock, or ii) December 31, 2021? (Majority vote required)
What it means: This clock was given as a gift to the town in 1897, and was a part of Hampton’s town center for many years. It came crashing down during a fire decades ago. It was rescued by Hampton residents, only to be relegated to the basement of Town Hall for a number of years. At some point, a concerned group of citizens got access to the clock and have been working to restore it. The plan is to mount it on a to-be-erected, separately funded tower on the green in front of Centre School.
Those in favor say: The clock is part of our heritage and should be salvaged. Individual residents have cared enough about this to dedicate many hours to restoring it and raising money for it, but now need the help of other Hampton homeowners. Last year’s unsuccessful request for $75,000 has now been reduced to $35,000 as more funds have been raised privately. The clock belongs to the Town of Hampton and the town should participate financially in the restoration.
Those against say: Some people think the funds needed should be raised by private efforts and donations. Another wondered about the noise of the bell.
Fiscal Impact: The average Hampton home valued at $329,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $4.28 if this Article passes.