On petition of G. Berkley Bennett and at least 25 registered voters, shall the Town raise and appropriate $6500.00 to reimburse the Hamptons American Legion Post 35 for the purchase of 200 bronze service flag holder/grave markers. American Legion Post 35 would place the markers to properly honor the graves of our veterans in the High Street Cemetery which are currently missing service flag holder grave markers?
What it means: Every year, the American Legion in cooperation with the local Scouts put flags on the graves of veterans. In so doing, they have noticed quite a few graves that are not properly marked. This Article would fund the money needed to be sure that all the graves have markers and flag holders.
Those in favor say: The funds would assure that all veteran graves are properly marked and honored.
Those against say: Those against this Article state that this is a great effort, but the mechanism is wrong. The funds should come out of the Cemetery Maintenance Trust Fund.
Fiscal impact: The $6,500 cost in 2019 will create an additional tax cost for the average Hampton home valued at $405,000 of $.82 (Take your property value divided by 1000 and multiply by .002 to get your specific tax impact.) This decision affects the current year only.