Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 6 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Hampton Zoning Ordinance as follows?
Amend Article IV – Dimensional Requirements. Section 4.4 to apply Footnotes 27A and 32 to the Business-Seasonal zoning district. Modify Footnote 27A to require that no architectural appurtenance shall extend to a point greater than 60 feet in height in the Business-Seasonal zoning district measured vertically from the established average grade plane, and to clarify that the existing 80-foot limit applies to the Business-Seasonal 1 zoning district. Modify Footnote 32 to require, as part of any permitting process for applicable structures on the easterly side of Ocean Boulevard, a shadow study from a qualified consultant for new structures exceeding 50 feet in height and for modifications to existing structures that would exceed 50 feet in height.
What it means:This Article specifies height requirements and allowances for architectural appurtenances in the Business-Seasonal Zone. It also requires a shadow study be conducted by a qualified consultant for new structures or modifications to existing structures on the east side of Ocean Boulevard that would exceed 50 ft. in height.