Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 7 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Hampton Zoning Ordinance as follows?
Amend Article IV – Dimensional Requirements. Section 4.5.2 (Minimum Side Setback) and Footnote 16 to require a minimum of 12 feet on one side lot line in the Residence B zoning district,to provide for an adequate driveway on one side or the other of the lot. In these situations, the current requirement will remain unchanged for the opposite side lot line. Additionally, where the legally required parking is provided in front of the dwelling, underneath the dwelling, or by structural attachment to the dwelling, the shorter of the aforementioned setbacks shall apply to both sides of the lot. Further, pre-existing lots of record with less than 50 feet of frontage may have a side lot line setback opposite the driveway side that is reduced to not less than 4 feet to accommodate a dwelling unit and driveway on the lot.
What it means: Article 8 adds a footnote that further defines and specifies driveway setbacks for lots in the Residence B zoning district.