Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 8 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Hampton Zoning Ordinance as follows?
Amend Article VI – Parking. Section 6.3.10 as follows: To delete the stacked parking language pertaining only to Condominium Conversions of Pre-existing Non-conforming Uses, replacing it with a new Section 6.3.11 which states that on any lot containing one (1) or more dwelling units, stacked parking shall constitute one parking space regardless of the number of parking spaces in the stack.
What it means:This warrant article amends stacked parking language pertaining to Condominium Conversions of Pre-Existing Non-Conforming Uses, adding Section 6.3.11, defining stacked parking on a lot containing one or more dwelling units. The new definition is that stacked parking shall constitute one parking space, regardless of the number of vehicles that can be parked end-to-end in that space.Stacked parking refers to vehicles parked in front of one another, rather than next to each other.
Those for and against say: No one spoke either for or against this Article at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal impact: No tax impact.