Shall the Town of Hampton vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000 for the following purposes: install new flooring for the Tuck Building; install an irrigation system at Tuck Field; transition the inline rink to pickleball courts; and purchase other equipment and supplies for use of the Parks and Recreation Department; and to authorize the withdrawal of said sum of $150,000 from the Hampton Recreation Infrastructure Special Revenue Fund established for these purposes under Article 44 of the 2007 Annual Town Meeting. This shall be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and shall not lapse until the upgrades are completed by March 31, 2027, whichever occurs sooner? (Majority vote required)
What it means: Every year, the needs of the Parks and Recreation Department are identified, and the voters need to approve withdrawal of the requested dollars from an established fund.
Those in favor say: The projects will contribute to a better recreational environment for the residents of our town, and the costs have been covered by revenue generated from Town Parking lots. The Recreation Department does not have much of a maintenance budget, as it is anticipated that the funds will be withdrawn from this fund annually. The ability to maintain the recreational environment of the Town depends on the passage of this Warrant Article.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal impact: There is no tax impact because the money will be taken from a separate fund put aside for this purpose. This Article is allowing the withdrawal of the money from the fund.