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What it means: This Article proposes to add a new definition to the ordinances to define pervious surfaces, also known as porous or permeable surfaces. The Town currently has a definition for impervious surface, but not for pervious surfaces, which is term often used but not defined. The definition also includes criteria for the proper installation of pervious surfaces, and specifies that they may be inspected and deemed impervious if they are not properly maintained.
No one spoke for or against this Article, except to explain it.
There is no direct tax impact.
What it means: This Article proposes to establish comprehensive, reasonable controls over short-term or vacation rentals, to better preserve the character of residential neighborhoods that can be affected by this use; to help preserve the affordability, quality, and quantity of the Town’s housing stock for year-round residential use; and to ensure the safety of short-term rental occupants.
No one spoke for or against this Article, except to explain it.
There is no direct tax impact.
What it means: This is primarily a reorganization of the existing wetlands ordinance, with three notable changes: 1) The Conservation Coordinator (in addition to the Building Inspector) will review landscaping plans that do not require a Town Wetland Permit; 2) temporary impacts within the Wetland Conservation District will require a Town Wetland Permit; 3) Fences may be installed within the Wetland Conservation District without a Town Wetland Permit provided specific criteria are met.
No one spoke for or against this Article, except to explain it.
There is no direct tax impact.
What it means: This is an update of the Aquifer Protection District Ordinance that renames the district as the Groundwater Protection District Ordinance; expands the ‘purpose’ section of the ordinance to convey its goals more clearly; improves design requirements within the district; incorporates new definitions and modifies existing definitions; and expands the district to better protect the Town’s drinking water resources. It was explained that although the Ground Water Protection District is being increased, for the most part, state regulations already stipulate much of the requirements being added to Hampton’s ordinance so it brings our ordinances more in line with other regulations without greatly adding to the compliance burden.
No one spoke for or against this Article, except to explain it.
There is no direct tax impact.