What it means: This project will replace over 2,200 feet of old vitrified clay sewer pipe with new pipes to remove inflow and infiltration issues; and it will eliminate inaccessible back lot sewers, sewers under buildings, assets in wetlands and in areas prone to flooding. Associated drainage and pavement repairs will be made. The cost includes design, engineering and construction. Because this is a bond Article, by state law it must receive a 3/5ths majority vote (60%).
Those in favor say: Because the current pipes are compromised and allow inflow and infiltration, excess groundwater and salt water is being transported via the pipes to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Thus, the Town is having to treat this excess volume, costing us money and decreasing our capacity. Additionally, the salt is detrimental to the “good” bacteria that is needed break down the components of the wastewater.
Those opposed say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session or at any of the public sessions where the proposal was discussed.
Fiscal Impact: If a bond is issued in 2024, the first bond payment will be due in 2025. The estimated 2025 tax rate impact is $0.074 per $1,000 valuation (valuation changes may alter this estimate). A household valued at $400,000 would see a tax increase of $29.60 for 2025, and will impact future year’s taxes as well. The total of the bond’s principal and interest payments over a 15-year period at an interest rate of 4.75% are estimated to be $3,447,188.