To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $135,000 to replace and repair athletic field lightingat Winnacunnet High School. This project is part of the facility plan adopted by the school board. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7 VI and will not lapse until the project is complete or June 30, 2025, whichever is earlier. (Majority vote required.)
What it means: The School Board proposes issuance of a warrant article to raise and appropriate $135,000 to fund the replacement and upgrading of athletic field lighting. Hampton’s share is $63,990.
Those in favor say: The athletic field lightbulbs are starting to burn out, with no replacements currently manufactured. The intent is to replace the current lighting with LED lighting to continue to provide athletic lighting, provide a long-term solution, and lower electricity costs.
Those opposed say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: A Hampton home valued at $400,000 would bear an increased tax cost of $ 8.53 in 2022 if SAU 21 Article 4 passes. Take your property valuation divided by 1000 and multiplied by .02 to get your cost. This decision is for the current year only.
Note: These costs for taxpayers are calculated at 47.4% of the appropriations, which is Hampton’s share.