To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate $75,000 to be added to the existing Health Care Expendable Trust Fund, with up to $75,000 to be funded from the June 30, 2019 unassigned fund balance available for transfer on July 1, 2019. No additional amount to be raised from taxation. (Majority vote required.)
What it means: The Health Care Expendable Trust was established for the purpose of safeguarding the school district against increasing health insurance premium costs, or unanticipated health insurance related expenditures. Trust Balance (as of 12/31/18): $75,718; Target Balance: $200,000
Those in favor say: The 2019-20 proposed operating budget includes a reduction of $75,000 with the intent to withdraw funds from the Health Care Expendable Trust to help mitigate the large health insurance premium increase, if needed. Funding for the Health Care Expendable Trust comes from any potential available year-end fund balance, and is not raised via additional taxation.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: There is no tax impact because the money was appropriated in prior tax years. This Article is allowing the withdrawal of the money from the fund for the specified purpose.