SAU 90 Article 2: Shall the School District vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Hampton School Board and the Seacoast Educational Association covering the four year period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024 which calls for the following increases in salaries and benefits at the current staffing levels over those paid in the prior fiscal year.
Year Estimated Increase
2020-21 $ 433,336
2021-22 $ 469,392
2022-23 $ 483,817
2023-24 . $ 493,033
and further raise and appropriate the sum of $433,336 for the 2020-21 fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at current staffing levels in accordance with the most recent collective bargaining agreement? (Majority vote required.)
What it means: These costs represent the increases negotiated by the School Board and the Seacoast Educational Association, which represents 119 teaching professionals. There is no cost of living increase in the first year, only the step increases of teachers who have achieved certain milestones (roughly 75 professionals). Years 2 and 3 include a 2.25% increase; and Year 4 a 2.5% increase. Teachers also gave back 3% in Health Insurance benefits, i.e. they will be bearing more of the cost for their premiums.
Those in favor say: The Hampton School District State Assessment Scores are consistently higher than the state average by 15-30% (depending on the subject). In order to attract and maintain high caliber employees, we need to pay competitively. Hampton teachers have lagged behind neighboring towns in the last several years.
Those against say: No one spoke against this Article at the Deliberative Session.
Fiscal Impact: If Article 2 is approved, it will cause an increase in taxes of $46.07 for a home valued at $400,000. Take your property valuation divided by 1000 and multiplied by .115 to get your cost.