What it means: This Article requests voter approval for the funding of a centralized ventilation system to improve air movement and air quality via dehumidification. This is not the same as air conditioning, which is cooling the space. This is to reduce moisture and to prevent mold issues.
Air Exchanges:
- Replace inside air with fresh outside air that has been dehumidified
- Reduce the level of carbon dioxide
- Operate quietly
- Are controlled by an automated direct digital system
- . Measure the demand, to better control costs
Current Condition at Centre School – Air Purifiers/Scrubbers
- UV Light / HEPA filtration
- Purchased in 2020, and meant as a temporary solution
- The system runs 24/7 to assure ventilation and acceptable indoor air quality
- The current system requires frequent servicing due to size and constant air circulation
- The air purifiers are noisy.
Those in favor say: The building was constructed in 1927, with an addition in 1959. Air treatment needs and technology have changed since then. The air treatment system that was put in place during the pandemic was meant as a stop-gap measure and has a lot of short-comings. This request is a lot of money, but it is necessary. It will cover design and construction; renovation and replacement of the indoor air quality systems at Centre school.
The American Lung Association writes that “Taking steps to address air quality issues in schools before they become a problem can make a big difference in the health and success of students, faculty, and staff. Making even minor changes can have a large impact on health and learning. Increasing outdoor ventilation rates can result in higher standardized test scores, reduce the spread of respiratory illness, and decrease absences. Good indoor air quality helps to create a healthy learning environment and results in better health and learning outcomes.”
Those against say: No one spoke against the Article at public meetings.
Fiscal Impact: The $2 million cost for this project will cost .51 per $1,000 of assessed value, or $201.60 for a property valued at $400,000.