To see if the School District will vote to raise and appropriate funds in the amount of $39,729 to provide child benefit services, in accordance with RSA 189:49, for students who are residents of the Hampton School District and attend Sacred Heart School located in Hampton, New Hampshire. BY PETITION. (Majority vote required).
What it means: NH state law, specifically RSA 189:49, permits a local school district to provide child benefit services for resident students attending other schools. Hampton voters have for a number of years provided funding to Sacred Heart School in Hampton to benefit students there with school nurse services, instructional materials, etc. The $39,729 requested this year is $5,871 less than last year due to changing enrollment in that school.
Those in favor say: It saves money for the Town that some parents choose to send their children to a private school. These funds support services that the children would otherwise be receiving if they attended public school.
Those against say: No one spoke against this article at the public meetings.
Fiscal Impact: At the proposed cost level, there will be a reduction in taxes versus last year of about 80 cents for a home valued at $404,000.